So we've been back a little over 9 weeks now, we're both in full time employment, we've both voted for the first time ever, we've caught up with friends and family...and I'm left thinking, what now?
Coming back from a year away has been a roller coaster so far. For the first few weeks I felt settled and happy. I mean who wouldn't of, I went out for food about 9 times a week, spent time in the sunshine and caught up with some of the most important people in my life. But as I've got back into the 9-5, started going out less and visiting the doctors more I'm left wondering if there's more I could be doing with my life.
Take volunteering for example, just 1 day a week could make so much difference to a short staffed care home, an under privileged school or a child who needs taken care of on an evening. Is there more we could be doing to support the families and friends of those effected by the recent events in Manchester and London? Would retraining in a new field help me feel like I was doing more? Do i want to pursue a new career in the care industry or spend an evening or two a week helping out?
This is what made me vote in this years election, I wanted to make a difference. So I voted for a party I thought could. Who did I vote for? Well that would be telling. I'm not relying solely on my vote or any political party to make a difference mind, I am researching what I can do to help.
I'm still having tests on my stomach, a stool sample, a blood test and an ultrasound has revealed nothing, yet I still find myself, on occasion, weeing out of my bum! So it's a 6 week dairy free diet (which in all honesty is not going great, a girl likes the odd milky way) and a return trip to the doctors, to be booked in with the "tummy specialists' next.
On a positive note, I've found myself reconnecting with friends I thought I'd become distanced from whilst I was away, and time spent on these relationships has really been worth it. We've become Uncle Pyle and Uncle Carrie to the little ball of energy that is our niece Paige, and spent a lot of time with her, Scott, Emma and the rest of our families. Both having realised that family is the most important thing, and appreciating the time we spend with them.
We've got a few mini adventures planned, all in England of course our budget won't allow us to travel any further, and we're saving all our hard earned money for a new house...surprisingly, in the UK. I know, I thought we were moving to Japan too.
So, whilst Kyle's happy and healthy I'm having what I call a Travellers lull, with days where I'm left thinking "if only i could rant to my nana". But fingers crossed the next batch of tummy testing shows up something, and I can get sorted and fart without fear. And hopefully I'll soon find myself an evening activity that leaves me feeling like I've made someones day that little easier. Hopefully, we all can hey?
Love Carrie xxx
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