Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Happiness is a Hot Bath

I’ve never had to share a bath with a sibling, or use second hand bath water with the concern that it contained a little more than the days dirt. I’ve never not had central heating or a hot a shower, apart from the one winter when the boiler broke, but that’s a different story.


I don’t remember black and white TV and I’ve always had a remote to save myself from getting up and changing the channel using the huge buttons on the side of the TV that I’ve heard so much about. There’s always been over 600 channels to choose from, and Netflix on weekends.


So, in an age when life is documented on social media, I often find myself aimlessly scrolling through Facebook and Instagram and wondering are the people I follow truly happy?

The latest gym selfie, a night out with the best people which resulted in a bad head and an empty wallet, ever changing relationship status’ and pictures of the worlds cutest dog fill my screen and are seen as representations of a perfect life.


But was life not more perfect when families spent time together, with their heads up looking at each other and talking, instead of down, looking at a phone and telling the world what they’re having for dinner? Playing outside, not on an Xbox? Talking, not tweeting?


When did it become normal for kids to watch videos of other children opening presents? Where’s the excitement in an ever-growing impatience to watch their favourite TV show at any time thanks to the presence of OnDemand? I remember eagerly awaiting The Queens Nose at 4.30 followed by Biker Grove at 5. If something wasn’t in the TV Guide you weren’t watching it, simple.


Am I guilty of sharing too much on my Instagram? Probably. Would I rather have had the chance to be the first in that week’s bath water? Should there still only be 4 TV channels, rather than 600? Would that simple life be better than an unrealistic version of perfect?


We do some work with Age UK, and I recently heard about their new scheme where they ask for volunteers to call or visit an elderly person once a week. Such a simple yet great idea I thought. Not only does it provide somebody with comfort and company, it gives us a chance to see a person without the use of social media and bring someone a small moment of true happiness. It’s things like this that should be documented on media.

Though I was nervous about suggesting this idea to my colleagues, I needn’t have worried…we’ve got a new activity to keep us busy next year.


To quote The Smiths,

“It’s easy to laugh, it’s easy to hate. It takes strength to be gentle and kind”


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